Dragon Age Origins

Dragon Age Origins

Disclaimer: The 3D rating is based off of using a low depth/high convergence setting. If high/medium convergence is not an option for you then this rating does not apply.You may want to consider this.

Nvidia 3d Vision Driver
3D Vision Compatibility Patch
In-game Settings Maxed. In-game AA OFF 
Nvidia Inspector AA settings

-The Fade area of game[You can download a mod to skip]
-DLC is kind of meh. Witch Hunt/Warden's keep/The Stone Prisoner are great but rest are forgettable. The expansion doesnt live up to campaign but I think its still worth it.
-Seriously best "real" RPG in last 10 years.
Rating: A+ for Dragon Age Origins/ B+ for Dragon Age Awakening[Expansion]
Explanation: Perhaps I am biased but I cant think of a real flaw that's not easily overlooked. I also don't mind that expansion wasnt as hot as game. Seriously how many games have the balls to do expansion instead of just a "dlc".

-2D mouse/Hud issues
-Game is near flawless at suboptimal settings. Low Depth/High convergence.
Rating: C+
Explanation: Its kind of a pet peeve of mine that people say they can't play RPG's with 2D mouse like Dragon Age Origins/Dragon Age 2 in 3D. There are plenty of people who played through Origins at high depth but that doesn't mean you need to. Depth creates an issue where its hard to click between the two images. Not to mention the 2D hud[formerly] which aggravates the issue. Its not optimal but playing at very low depth like 30%-5% depending on user gives a great effect that lets scenes "pop". The patch above should help allow a bit of a higher depth setting. Not all users can play at high/medium convergence setting but its something to consider. I really think if you have game you should try it out with an open mind, dont be afraid to experiment.

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